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Maynooth Wave Energy Workshop 2020

Following on from previous events, the Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University is delighted to announce the 6th Maynooth Wave Energy Workshop on Friday 24th January 2020, an informal event designed to bring researchers and practitioners together to discuss challenges and opportunities in wave energy research. As usual, the events will have some sort of modelling/control/estimation/forecasting flavor, consistent with the interests of the Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University.


The programme will consist of around 11 oral presentations (exact schedule to be finalized), with a range of international speakers. The event will conclude with an open forum discussion, focusing on a topical issue in wave energy, based on success of such in previous workshops.


The event itself will be concluded in a single day (09:00-18:00) and will be focused around a single large room, providing ample opportunity for networking and also featuring a poster display area, where tea/coffee/lunch will be served. We are pleased to acknowledge generous funding from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and Maynooth University, so just a nominal registration charge of €30 is being levied.

Accommodation is available on the University Campus and a special workshop rate will also be available at the Glenroyal Hotel. Further information will be posted on the COER website when available.

At this stage, COER would like to solicit abstracts for posters. There is space for 25 posters, operating on a first-come, first-served (subject to approval) basis. Posters should focus on some technical aspects of wave energy, rather than serving as a pure advertising medium.

Further information on the COER website and in the pdf below.


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