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Training School "Blue Science & Technology Summer Training 2021", Ostend, Belgium

applications Closed


Training Programme: Maritime Module

WECANet is pleased to announce that the Maritime Module (week 2) of the Blue Science & Technology Summer Training (BlueS&T) held from 6th to 10th September 2021 in Ostend, Belgium will be organised by the WECANet COST Action CA17105 and supported through COST Action funding, both for the trainees and for organisation costs of the module.

Participants will be introduced in a multidisciplinary approach on maritime science and technology, with topics like maritime spatial planning, coastal and offshore engineering, renewable energy, robotics, and Artificial and Virtual reality. Special emphasis will be placed on marine renewable energy topics, with the aim to bring the participants in contact with new technologies, R&D tools (numerical and experimental techniques), Blue economy in the EU (governance and finance) and technology developers for marine renewable energy, theoretical and practical background of offshore wind and marine renewable energy infrastructure. The BlueS&T will bridge the gap between academic sciences and the job requirements for Blue economy's staff by combining ex-cathedra lectures on specific scientific subjects with hands-on training, multidisciplinary workshops, and on-site visits.


Participants have the option to join either the full programme which includes ‘week 1’ focusing on marine topics and ‘week 2’ focusing on maritime topics (see marine@ugent website), or one of the two weeks (marine OR maritime module). WECANet provides financial support only for the duration of ‘Week 2’: Maritime Module, as these topics align with WECANet objectives.

WECANet organisers of the Training School (Week 2: Maritime Module)

● Dr. Vicky Stratigaki, Ghent University, Belgium

● Prof. Peter Troch, Ghent University, Belgium

● Prof. Eva Loukogeorgaki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

● Prof. Milen Baltov, Burgas Free University, Bulgaria


The training will take place at BlueBridge, Ostend Science Park in Ostend, Belgium.

Funding Application Details

Applicants are invited to apply for WECANet financial support towards travel expenses and subsistence costs incurred to attend ‘Week 2: Maritime module’. Early-Stage Researchers and (PhD) students in wave energy are eligible to apply for financial support as trainees in order to participate in the WECANet Training School.

Eligible Trainees:
• Trainees from COST Full Members / COST Cooperating Member
• Action MC Observer from NNC
• Trainees from Approved European RTD Organizations.

More details for the COST Action support can be found in the COST Action Vademecum. Trainees can claim their reimbursement after verified attendance at the course, in person. WECANet will provide financial support for attending this Training School to a total of 10 trainees.

Application procedure for Training School Financial Support

• Applicants are required to submit a 1-page CV and a short motivation letter for the BlueS&T application; within the motivation letter it should be clearly indicated that they would like to apply for the WECANet funding. Motivation letter and CV to be sent to: by 1 July 2021.

• Candidates shortlisted for receiving the WECANet funding will be notified by email.

• Those participants will need to create an e-cost profile. Create your e-cost profile here.

Key Dates

Deadline for applications to be submitted: 1st July 2021

Notification of funding application outcome: 30th July 2021
Training School ‘Week 2’: Maritime Module: 6th-10th September 2021

Futher Information

Further information or clarifications can be obtained via the following e-mail address: Please mention ‘BlueS&T - WECANet application’ in the subject of your emails.

More information on the application procedure in the pdf below.


COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

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